Tuesday, April 27, 2021


"It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart...." -Rainer M. Wilke


She was a  new day. A day of innocence.
She squeezed  bleeding hearts till they popped.
She pulled out all of the new purple flowers. Stuffed them in a bucket.
She burbled at smarty alec robins.
Saw the clouds drift by.  The colour of marshmallow.
 She sang. Her song tumbled out in giggles.
Her grubby little hands reached for a fluff of gold . Beyond her reach.
She danced under  trees. Gathered buttercups.
 She was one  and the same. Greatest bliss.
She stomped in rain. Puddles plopped. Worms wobbled.
She touched roses. And they knew her.
She laughed with a sound of bubbles. 
She dreamed dreams. Of hopes. 
She made light into  light. Dark into day.
Stars from her eyes. And She sighed.
 Her fingers traced gold wisps in the air. She was content.........
"She was like springtime distilled  into a person..."

                                 -Laini Taylor

Photographs 2021

Friday, April 23, 2021


"Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world..." -Virgil A. Kraft
A light Exists in Spring by Emily Dickinson (excerpts)
The Wind is sewing with needles of rain
It stitches into the thin cloth of the earth
Oh the wind has often sewed with me.......
Spring must have fine things to wear
"Kerria japonica"
Of silken green the grass must be
Of lifting colour from the ground
And after the crocuses the round heads of tulips
And all the fair intricate garb Spring will wear
The wind must sew
with needles of rain
With shining needles of rain
Rhubarb  25 years old from Fredericton
Stitching into the thin cloth of earth
For all the springs of futurity...
"April's air stirs in Willow leaves...a butterfly float and dances.." -Basho (Haiku)

 Photographs 2021

Sunday, April 18, 2021


"When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden..." -Minnie Aumonier
In the spring, my mother would don her old gumboots, put on her pin stiped engineer overalls, tie a scarf around her head and grab a shovel. 
She would dig in the  dirt till  raccoons came out at dusk.
She would plant nasturtiums, sweet peas , in a boggy part of the grass, beside the porch. She'd dump in one bag of potting soil, and manure,  smooth it over, and consider it was good smoooshing her hands over the overalls, leaving traces of dirt and manure.
There were two long flower boxes  attached to the old porch. My dad made them. Out of rough wood. Every other spring  my mother would repaint them white. She'd wipe paint on those overalls, to go with the dirt and manure.
We'd make a trip to pick up flowers. She'd wear her pin striped engineers overalls, gumboots and scarf on her head. In public.  I would be mortified. 
She'd plant red geraniums with lobelia in those white planters. Sometimes late at night, when the raccoons would sashay by. Later, she'd sit at the kitchen table in her overalls, dirty and stained and eat vanilla  ice cream.
In the summer, she would paint inside the house. She'd wear the overalls and a sun hat to keep the paint blobs off. By the end of August the house would be sweet and fresh.  Couldn't say the same for the overalls.
In the fall, she would grab a saw. Still wearing her engineer overalls, gumboots, and scarf.  Every year, she would cut branches off trees. Right in the front yard, by the road. Where everyone could see . One year, The straps of her overalls got caught up on one of the branches.  The neighbours rescued her. As way of thanks she gave them the  spoils of her conquest. 
Most years,  she would rake and burn  leaves. I would smell the smoke from burning leaves, far into the night. Could see  embers way up on the incline. 
Sometimes she  came into the house her overalls singed, her hair a little singed as well. But she didn't mind. She'd grab some tea then head back out at 3am to get the hose. I'd hear the water running till  dawn as she attempted to put out the fire.
One year the fire dept stopped by. The neighbours were getting nervous, I guess. She was still wearing her singed pin striped overalls , headscarf and gumboots when they arrived. I hid in the house. She got a ticket for  the size of the fire. Which was still burning. They kindly put it out. Lectured her a bit. But every year she did the same thing again......
In the winter, she took a snow shovel, and her grungy  overalls , head scarf and snow boots , to scrape at the front steps.She had this old fur stole , it hung in the hall closet. The fur  was from a bygone era; she threw that over the overalls, for good measure.  Carollers would come by. I hid in the house.

They serenaded us . My mother, who could not sing a note, happily sang along.  I was really happy I was in the house.

I found those overalls, like I found most things from the house, that year of change, in the basement. I don't think they had ever been cleaned. They smelled of smoke, and fire, and dirt, and manure, paint chips,  ripped and torn and the straps sewed and resewed.  With her stitches. With her needle. She was unique.  I wish I had them now. So the next time I climbed a tree I would  have something to wear...............
"I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favour of the kings of the world..." -Thomas A. Edison

 Photographs 2021