Wednesday, September 29, 2021


"Autumn is the hardest season. The leaves are all falling, and falling like they are in love with the ground.." - Andrea Gibson
SOMETHING TOLD THE WILD GEESE  by Rachel Field  (1894-1942)

One of my favourite pieces of writing.....

Something told the wild geese it was time to go.
Though the fields lay golden , something whispered "snow"
Leaves were green and stirring. 
Berries, luster-glossed, but beneath warm feathers
Something cautioned "frost"
All the sagging orchards
Steamed with amber spice,
But each wild breast stiffened
At remembered ice.
Something told the wild geese
It was time to fly.....
Summer sun was on their wings.........
Winter in their cry.......
Photographs 2021

Saturday, September 25, 2021


"The summer ended.Day by day and taking its time, the summer ended..." -James Baldwin
SEPTEMBER 1918 by Amy Lowell (1874-1925)
This afternoon was the colour of water falling through sunlight.
The trees glittered with the tumbling of leaves:
The sidewalks shone like alleys of dropped maple leaves, and the houses ran along them.....
laughing out of square, open windows.
Under a tree in the park, two little boys, lying flat on their faces,
were carefully gathering red berries
to put in a pasteboard box.
Some day there will be NO WAR........
Then I shall take out this afternoon
And turn it in my fingers,
And remark the sweet taste of it upon my palate,
And note the crisp variety of its flights of leaves
today I can only gather it and put it into my lunch box
For I have time for nothing
But the endeavor to balance myself
Upon a broken world........
Photographs 2021
O Solo Mee-owww


Sunday, September 19, 2021


"The best of summer gone, and the new Fall not yet born. The odd uneven time..." - Sylvia Plath
"There's a bear. Find the bear". My father  skooshed leaves at me. Every fall we'd look for the bear. The bear hiding in the forest that surrounded our house. I would shriek in delight.
My parents always put me in an ugly , brown snowsuit. Good for finding bears, apparently.But I looked like a piece of bear poo.
I hated that snowsuit. But it was required uniform in which to hunt for bears............
"Bear poo! Bear poo!" I hollered. 
"Sssssh, " said my father, looking towards the door.  My mother would come out on the steps. We smiled at her. Big grins. Not doing nothing we were. Till she went back inside.
 "This is the last time!" she said,  before she went inside, shaking her head, I imagined.
My father  picked up a stick and knighted me. We played Robin Hood. He was Robin. I was a princess.  I jumped into the pile of leaves that was my castle. My father pretended he had been mortally wounded.
I healed him with a shower of leaves. If only it would have been that simple in the real world.
He told me to go off on  a quest. I galloped off with the stick, as if I was on a horse. A white horse with a pink mane and gold ribbons.
Ready to thwart evil.  To find the bear. There was a bear out here . Somewhere.
My father called me back. He had been miraculously healed. The magic of the leaves.
He pointed to a spot.  " Here! Here!" I climbed off my horse. My snowsuit was hot, but I wanted to see what he had found. We moved aside the leaves and found.........
"Bear Poo! Bear Poo!"  There was a blob of scat under the leaves.  Definitely bear.
Actually, it was cat scat, from our two outdoor cats . It was hilarious.
It was obviously a very big bear. Gave us incentive to go stalking in the brush  and hunt. Till dinner was called. My father and I would call out "Bear Poo! Bear Poo!" as we came inside. He tracked in leaves. I waddled in with my brown bear poo suit. My mother's eyes twinkled.
There were only so many autumns left that we tried to find that bear. Till  his very  last year I dumped leaves over him, and even though I grew out of that horrid suit we  saved the world countless times. It was magic. And once, after we found the bear poo, we we met that bear, hiding in the forest, waiting to join in the game.....
Photographs vintage and 2021