Monday, September 9, 2013


Cordelia..............she is so beautiful.
 Love cats. No, I'm not the "cat lady down the street" ( Well,maybe I am... but I will fervently deny it) .Cats are fascinating to watch. I love photographing them. and they seem to oblige. The outdoor cats are easiest. Our three indoor cats are more difficult. They hide.
Spencer.......back in the spring of 2013. Curious. This is how we met. Eye to eye. Through the glass door.

And Bo. Of course. Queen of her realm.

2012. Cordelia. And the grapes.

Grey Cat. Fall 2012. He's disappeared in June 2013. Lovely sweet disposition.  I miss him.


Grey Cat and Smokey. May 2012.
Spencer. Funny boy.

And Cordelia. She has this "look".

Spencer on a mission.

Cordelia. February 2013. Cold morning.

Spring. 2013. Spencer's beautiful amber eyes.

He found my chair I plant. Spring 2013

Bunny. Summer 2012. She's a lot bigger now.
Bo. Under her lappy lite. Happy happy. Winter 2013.

Bo and Bunny. Fall 2012.

And Grey Cat. Spring 2013. He liked to play wth Spencer and Smokey. I wonder if they miss him.

Smokey in the patio garden. I love this shot. Nice angle, and the with the flowers and bench and grapes looks like a hot summer's day.

Looks like Smokey is saying"What?? What??"

Hot hot Cordelia....drooops

 Peacful Spencer. Unusual little cat. So personable and seems to have an old soul.
 Funny Smokey. Hot hot August day. Droops on the fence.
                     Those eyes........
          Morning world....Spencer on the fence in the early hours in the summer.
 Pigeon hunting. Cordelia and Spencer have it done to a science.
CAT. No kidding.

 On the porch. Spencer spent many hours snoozing here...............
 Cordelia on the bench................especially when the other two were not around.
                       YYYAAAWWWNNNNNNN.......first thing to see on an August morning.
 Longer shadows. September 2013. Spencer .
 Eyes of Cordelia. September light.
 Whoa! Bug-eyed pigeons on the roof.
   Hot September day..............Cordelia likes her bench.
 The kitty trail between houses...this is Spencer and Smokey's path. Cordelia comes from up the hill.
 Dale with Cordelia........
              Spencer wants cuddles off and on. Wants to say hello.
 And Smokey likes hanging out on the fence, drooping himself over and patting at you as you walk by.  Play!
                                      Tired Smokey.Love his paws......velvet.
                      Cordelia has a "thing" about the greenhouse. In the winter she will sit inside the window ont the white table. In the summer she likes to drink out of the blue water can.  Seems to be her place.
                                          Pretty boy.
                 Anotehr cuddle. Usually when I'm out working in the garden, he will come by.He and Smokey have a sweet family, at the other end of their kitty trail. And then  they come here to see the birds, and Cordelia, and what we're doing. Too cute.

               Our Pye. She LOVES to snuffle the sweet peas. She will pull them out, systematically, one by one and they seem to be liek catnip to her................
                                            Smokey resting .
                                       Watching Cordelia. Cordelia is watching him.
             Bump a Spencer. He loves to bunt his head against your feet.
                 Asleep on warm pavement.......warm August day in the shade.
                         Cordelia and the Moai Head on the hill.
                    Love when they come to visit.....

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