Sunday, August 24, 2014


                     "The world is not yet exhausted;
                                         let me see something tomorrow which I never saw before." (Samuel Johnson)

                         "Cat of the shadows, he appears as tame,
                                          till from behind the grate, the gold eyes glare
                                                        with such a light as could consume the whole
                                                                              to ashes and a memory of flame." (Panther)
 "See the conquering hero comes! Sound the trumpet, beat the drums!" (Thomas Morell)
                             (On capturing a hornet's nest, that looks like an alien head....)
    "In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." (Aristotle)

                     From Bright purple plums on the trees , to the fiery sunrise. Fiery due to the smokey haze that lingers in the sky, from the fires in the B.C. Interior.  Makes for some incredible sun shots.
       And the cats keep their vigils. Cordelia on her Moai head. Smokey on the porch. Fastidious in their  washing and grooming, so as to look just right for their photo op.
           Of course, Smokey just had to flop on the stairs in the hottest sunset of the summer.
                    "For you are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars;
                                                            you have a right to b e here." (Max Ehrmann)
      And the ocean is calm these days. "There's never an end for the sea." (S. Beckett)
                   The mountains  quiet and hot.Screaming for rain in their silence.
                                                 And the skies bright and untamed, untouched photos.....
                      "Give me a spark o' nature's fire, that's a the learning I desire." (Robert Burns)

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