Sunday, January 28, 2018

HOWARD's DAY....(story of a deer)

I don't have to take a trip around the world or be on a yacht in the Mediterranean to have happiness. I can find it in the little things, like looking out into my backyard and seeing deer in the fields." - Queen Latifah

 Every day Howard  makes his rounds. His Big eyes at the back window.He Stares. Chews while he does it. He owns it.
 He likes to visit. Especially in Winter. 
 Oh and in summer.
 And in fall and spring, for that matter. 
 Howard plops himself down at the  back of the other garden beside us. I have walked past him in the dusk, taking out the garbage,  and only realized  on the way back up the hill, that he is there.......He flicks his ears. Tilts his head. His eyes bug out.
 Howard seems to prefer watching the birds. Like the Lark Sparrows massing on the lawn.
 In their feeding frenzies in  winter, when days are biting and chill. Howard chews  while he gazes at them. He loves their seeds.He waits till they are gone....
 Howard  must think he is a bird. Partial to sunflower seeds, he is, slurping  them up daily. Sometimes he waits till I've filled the seed pan,hiding by the fence. Then swoops in after I leave....
 He is there in the morning. In afternoon he sleeps by the seed pan. Or by the Laurels.
 In July he pulls golden plums off the  big tree at the top of the hill. The branches go "SNAP" as he twangs them from his jaws.
 In September he goes after the apples on the hill. 
 You can hear him crunching and slobbering.
 The day we found the injured Lark Sparrow, Howard was on the hill. Basking in the pale sun, in his spot  on the hill.
 He must feel safe there. He has an uninterrupted view of the mountains.
 He sees the mist roll in and out. He is like a king on his throne.
 The Lark Sparrow had a beautiful set of wings. 
 But she didn't make it. She died that day. Cradled in Morgan's hands.
 Howard watched us bury her . He was very attentive. I put an apple in the seed pan that January day.
 Howard dutifully slip-slobbered and cr-cr-cr-crunched that apple till it was all gone. Then he worked on the remaining seeds. After  that, full of seeds and apple,he sauntered off to parts unknown.  I've never seen him in a hurry.  He swings his antlers as he leaves. 
 But he'll be back. He always comes looking for more yummy treats. He'll peer in the window.............. Just like a cat I used to know......
Photographs 2018

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