Wednesday, April 22, 2020


"Eagle's flight of loneliness soars so high around its sigh, no more alone in the sky. Other birds remain away, clouds pass by between the shrouds of life and sun rays die...."-Munia Khan
 There is nothing like watching the eagles....
 Especially when they call to each other......
 As they sit over their huge nest in the gigantic trees down near the Passage in Campbell River. They start prepping the next together  in late December. It becomes a bonding ritual for the pair.
 My vantage point was near this bench, way from their actual home.
 And I could hear them calling with their dinosaur calls.
 maybe talking to their babies in the nest, or the other eagles perched high. 
 "Walk with wolves. run with lions. SOAR with eagles...."
                         -Matshona Dhliwayo
 Their calls carry across the sand. Sounding somewhat like a Velociraptor from Jurassic Park.... 
 And they don't stop calling. ...
 The sun and clouds wash low into the horizon and still the eagles  call ..
 Eagles can live a long time, into their thirties in the wild. In Sanctuaries they can live p to 48 years. 
When they catch prey in their talons, they will use their beaks to clip the spinal cord of prey.
 Usually they lay two eggs between March 25 and May 1st in B.C. approximately.
 that means those babies are almost here....or could be already....the way the parents were chorusing.....
 Eagles bond together. Mate for life.If one dies the other will find another partner in the same territory. And they cycle continues on...
"The eagle only knows how high it can fly when it spreads its wings....." -Matshona Dhliwayo
 Photographs 2020
Photos taken at Willowpoint, in Campbell River, B.C., 
                          Discovery passage

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic photos and fantastic commentary so very good, wonderful the eagles you have so much knowledge of them and Colin loved that area to watch them and I love the shoreline you captured, so calm and peaceful. Thank you this has made my day xxxxx
