Monday, June 8, 2020


 "Tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon so much, that she died every night, just to let him breathe..." -Hanako Ishii
 June 5th, 2020. Prenumbral Lunar eclipse across the Moon.I really didn't see much of an eclipse. Maybe a slight shadow.
 The earth, ever so slightly grazed across the edge of the moon. At least, I think it did.
 Called a Strawberry Moon, because it comes at the time of strawberry harvests.
 Years ago, farmers would use the moon to tell when their crops of strawberries would be ripe.
"All shadows of clouds the sun cannot hide like the moon cannot stop oceanic tide: but a hidden star can still be smiling at night's black spell on darkness, beguiling...." -Munia Khan

 In medieval times the strawberry symbolized purity and  noble spirit and soul.
 In parts of Europe this Supermoon has been called the Rose Moon when roses bloom in June. 
 When it's seen closer to the horizon. It might look a tad reddish, or pink.

"Tonight when the stars come out and the moon rises in the velvet sky, look outside your window, then raise your hand and position your fingers around the disk of light..."
-Vera Nazarian
 Also known as the Honey Moon and Mead Moon,  this Supermoon coincides with Vat Purnima( Hindus), and Poson Poya (Commemorates the arrival of Buddhism in Sri Lanka in 236 BCE)
 In the fall there will be three more Supermoons, Sept 17 Oct 16 and Nov 15, 2020
 Gives us three more chances this year to HOWL  at the moon.........
 "Out of sight above the house, the mirror reflected the sun of a  day not dawned, shining the pale light of tomorrow on the yard and the paper birches..." -Dean Koontz ( Breathless) 
 Photographs 2020

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