Saturday, August 29, 2020

Cherry Eyeballs and Frozen Peaches

1950  Grandma Isabella
                                                                                                               Grandad Robert and Dad Davy

In the house on Fairfield , there was a root cellar in the basement. When I was growing up I used to believe I heard noises coming from it. I  would walk by and feel the air move through the darkness.
My Grandmother  loved that root cellar, when she and Grand dad lived with my parents in the '50s. She saw it as a  lovely place to keep her preserves. Hundreds of processed jars, full of floating fruit.
My father, Davy, used to drive everyone in the old Dodge, to the Okanagon in the summer. They'd buy big flats of fruit, and then drive  back home. Then they would can cherries and peaches in heavy glass mason jars, and stack them up on the shelves in the root cellar.  
It was earthy, wormy, musty, in there. Spiders dangled in profusion from webs strung  from the jars.No light except the one from the  basement light bulb. And it didn't reach that far.  After Grandmother died, those jars and jars of peaches and cherries seemed to settle in , like  mummies.... 
No one ever opened them after she died.  No one touched them. Till one day, years later (some 20 years later), I was sent down to get a jar of cherries and a jar of peaches. My mother wanted to see if they were still any good.....I had to put on  gumboots in order to walk into the root cellar. 
I stood on the threshold, the light swinging back and forth. There was something in there. I was sure of it. Something crunched underfoot.  The cherries loomed. They looked like eyeballs. Gooey, gelatinous things. The peaches resembled  fuzzy fingers drowning in amber liquid. Softly sluffing white dandruff from their edges. 

Something scuttled  into the corner.  I couldn't tell if it was the resident garter snake , or the bony hand of a long dead Egyptian mummy come to life.......Grabbing a jar of cherries and a jar of peaches, I escaped to the light above, where it was safe. Where it didn't smell old.  

Unfortunately, I don't believe my grandmother's cherries and peaches  survived the test of time. They smelled ...bad...real bad.... I kind of wondered why my mother did not just get rid of the lot.  

1955 Grandmother Isabelle  and mum Nessie
I watched her as she poured the  old fruit into a bowl, and she talked about her mother and the farm, and the old days. She talked a lot about those days.  I think she missed them.

Many years later when  I sold the the house , those same jars of peaches and cherries were still in the root cellar. I just left them there, cause that's where they belonged. It was their home. I couldn't get rid of them either. 

And truth be told , I was just a little leery about  those cherry eyeballs and peach fingers floating about in their glass tombs. Watching me.  (And I always wondered about that garter snake...........I  was sure it was still alive down there. Slithering in the dirt. ............)


Chop up 6 cups of peaches. I don't peel them. Gives more texture.

Add 6 1/2 cups of sugar to the chopped peaches.

Stir till combined ..................

let sit for at least 15 minutes.

Squish till your heart's content.

Add a squeeze of lemon juice

Add 2 pouches of liquid Certo. You can do it without if you wish. Just doesn't set as well. 
Ladle into plastic containers. I use Ziploc ones. easy to stack

Photographs 2020


Keeps for six months in freezer or one month in fridge......A dark  root cellar is not necessary.

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