Tuesday, September 15, 2020


"The deeper blue becomes, the more strongly it calls one to the infinite.The brighter it becomes it turns into silent stillness..." -Wassily Kandinsky
I couldn't resist showing you the Stellar Jays. Back  for winter. Back to  screech and call.
They scavenge in the garden. Have conversations that border on the  Jerry Springer show.
They are smart. And blue. Blue. Beyond sky blue.
"The soft blue sky did never melt. Never felt the witchery of the soft blue sky..." -Wordsworth
Sometimes they come in groups. Not that often.Usually they come in pairs. Like dinosaurs. They call about the peanut horde.
"Sheck! Sheck! Sheck!" they scream to each other.  Sometimes copying raptors. Sometimes sounding like squirrels and even chickens. Yes, chickens.......cluck.
"Blue was never so beautiful blue..." -Petra Hermans
They're everywhere. It's not fall without them.
They wait. For peanuts. 
So smart. I think they know me. They recognize the peanut bucket when I bring it outside......
Little hum hum hummer dive bombs the Jays every chance he gets. 
The Jays just laugh. And laugh. And shriek.....
"This great world of ours is but a house of leaves,....moments before the wind.." -Mark Z. Danielewski

Photographs 2020

                                         ( Spencer and his new winter bowl......)

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful these birds are and I even wanted to be called a Stellar but not nearly as beautiful as the blueness of these birds and how very clever they are, where have they come back from? I would love to know. And last of all dear Spencer so very beautiful and captured so well. Love Trish xxx
