Sunday, July 25, 2021


".....and everything burned in blue, everything a star..." 

                                              - Pablo Neruda ( 100 love sonnets)

"I need the shade of blue that rips your heart out..." - Cathy Crowley

"Wouldn't it be strange to have a blue sky....." -Jeanne DuPrau

"Let my toes teach the shore, how to feel a tranquil life, through the wetness of sand.." -Munia Khan

                 "I want to go to the ocean....." -Laura Chouette

"Cloud disappeared, Moon appeared, to make my sky less blue..."

                                           -Sw. Chidananda Tirtha

"Wispy blue clouds blue quickly across the sky,blue sky topped the Antwerpen blue of the ocean..." -Sharon Brubaker

"The ocean is weird here. It's the wrong kind of blue.."

                              -Nicola Yoon (The Sun is Also a Star)

* Discovery Passage, Tyee Spit, Miracle Beach, Quadra Island, Campbell River, B.C.
Photographs 2021

1 comment:

  1. what wonderful photographs to share, each one unique in its view. Folks here would be amazed at the beauty of the scenery and the changing shades of blue, so very special. All so stunning and I am so thankful I was part of this scenery and hope to be part of this again, maybe next year Much love Trish and a big thankyou. xxx
