Friday, May 31, 2024


"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water..." -Loren Eisley
                       "Arise my soul and shed the rain of tears..." -Andrew of Crete
"And all the air is filled with the pleasant noise of waters.." - Longfellow
                            "Drip, drip the rain comes falling..." -James Herbert
                                "Let the rain sing you a lullaby.."-Langston Hughes
"All nature mourns, the skies relent in showers..." -Alexander Pope
"I hear the first drops.....the rain changes everything.." -Karen Hughes
"We knew it would rain, for the white poplars tangled now in tremulous rain..." -Aldrich
                 "The rain comes when the wind calls..." -Emerson
                              "Joy has been a habit. Now this  rain..." -Jack Gilbert
"A little rain will fill the lily's cup, which hardly moistens the field.." 

                                                                         - Edwin Arnold

"He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven..." -Acts14:17
"A wind has blown the rain away...." -e.e. cummings
"You heavens above,  rain down.Let the clouds shower it down.." 

                                                            -Isaiah 45:8

              "Healing rain is a real touch from God...." - Michael W. Smith
"And out of the caverns of rain, like a ghost from tomb, I arise and build it again.." -Shelley
"Rain, soft rain, summer rain whispers from bushes, whispers from trees..." -Hermann Hesse
"The mighty Rain, holds the vast empire of the sky alone..." 

                                                             - William C. Bryant

"....but the rain is full of ghosts tonight..." -Edna St. Millay
Photographs 2024

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