Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Amaranth ( amethyst, purple hues ) symbolizes Immortality, creativity, true friendship, royalty, to name a few.  It is a sacred colour for everlasting life.....

THE AMARANTH by Vachel Lindsay (1879-1931) American poet who left med school to study at the Art Institute. He drew  illustrations to go with his poetry, and wandered around the country with no money selling his poems for food and shelter. He used light and sound images to create a sense of wonder. In this piece, he envisioned a city, rebuilt, in the future.....
In the light of night, all music haunts me here.

Is it for naught high Heaven cracks and yawns

Is it for naught high Heaven cracks and yawns
And the tremendous Amaranth descends
Sweet with the glory of ten thousand dawns?
Does it not mean my God would have me say;
"Whether you will or no, o city young, heaven will bloom like one great flower for you, flash and loom greatly all  your marts among?"
Friends, I will not cease hoping though you weep.
Such things I see........
and some of them shall come
though now our streets are harsh and ashen grey
Though our strong youths are strident now, or dumb...
Friends, that sweet town, that wonder town shall rise.
Naught can delay it.
Though it may not be
Just as I dream.......
it comes at last I know
With streets like channels of incense sea...............

Photographs 2024


Tuesday, June 18, 2024


"Everything should be available in the colour of pink....." 

-Rachelle E. Goodrich

"Pink.....a whisper of beauty..." -Terri Guillemets
"The skies poured out water; the skies gave forth thunder; your arrows flashed on every side.." - Psalm77:17
"In a world of colours, be a vibrant shade of pink.." -Alexandra Vailiu
"Silence is more musical than any song..." -Christina Rossetti 
"Once you have heard the meadowlark and caught the scent of fresh plowed earth,peace cannot escape you..." -Sequichie
"A profusion of pink roses being ragged in the rain, speaks to me of all enduring and gentleness..." -William Carlos Williams
"Change your thoughts and you change the world..." -Norman Vincent Peale
"That which God said to the rose,and caused it to laugh in full blown beauty..." -Rumi
"I hope you find joy in the great thigs of life...but also in the little things. A flower, a song, a butterfly on your hand..."- Ellen Levine
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.." -Edith Wharton
"It was June and the world smelled of roses.The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillsides..."-Maud Hart Lovelace
"Stop. Be still. And watch as the sunset paints the sky with its magic..."-unknown
"Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.."_ Maya Angelou
"I Believe....as I believe the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, because by it I see everything else...." -C.S. Lewis
"Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty, only we have the eyes to see them..." -John Ruskin
Photographs 2024


Wednesday, June 12, 2024


         "Yellow is capable of charming God..." -Vincent van Gogh
American Goldfinches. Back for a day. Just one. To feed. To call out to each other.  They  sound like they're  chirping " Po-ta-Toe-CHIPPPP".  The Potatoe Chip birds.
Vegans all the way. Naughty Cowbirds will lay their eggs in their nests sometimes.  Goldfinches are pretty cool about it.  But even though  baby cowbirds won't survive on just seeds,  the finches will gladly stuff them with sunflower seeds, along with their own brood.
Some live as long as ten years.....
A swarm of them passed through here,about two years ago. Then this year. Once again. Saw bright canary yellow. Heard  their call....
Just passing through. One day only . I might of missed them. One day to  eat. .......... "Po-ta-toe-CHIPPPP"....
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer...." -Maya Angelou
"A birdsong can even, for a moment, make the whole world into a sky within us, because we feel that the bird does not distinguish between its heart and the world’s.”-Rainer Maria Rilke
"May my heart always be open to little birds who are the secret of living.." - e.e. cummings.
Spider webs. Woven. Into nest. Minute tiny homes. 
And call out "Po-ta-toe- CHIPPPPP" as many hours as are in the day.
"I caught a glimpse of happiness, and saw it was a bird on a branch, fixing to take wing..." Richard Peck
Keep your ears pealed....... "Po-ta-toe-CHIPPPPP". They'll be  passing through......just passing through....
"I know. I was there. I saw the great void in your soul, and you saw mine..." -Sebastian Faulks
Photographs 2024