Wednesday, July 24, 2024


"It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves..." 

                                           - Sir Edmund Hillary ( first to reach Mt. Everest in 1953)

These are the mountains I see, every day, from our hill. From Campbell River, B.C.
And this is from the other side, in summer. On the trails scaling the mountain slopes. Drive from Campbell River, B. C. on Hwy 19 ,  takes about 45 minutes to the Strathcona parkway up to the Alpine Resort. It's about 50 kilometres from our house. Give or take.
We've also driven the  Oceanside Route, Hwy 19A. By car, return, is easiest( If you opt for a taxi , it can run you anywhere from 120-150$ CAD.) BUT, there are also shuttle buses running. Great choice!

So this is the big mountain I see from my front window. In winter it's dripping with snow.
From the Lookout on the other side,  ( the Chimney) , it looks like this.
In summer the scenery just stretches away to infinity. You forget you're on an Island.
"Mountain top: the place where life finds the purest meaning of freedom.." -Vinivius Montgomery
From the top, looking down as the ski lift goes up and down and down and up...
You can hike up to the top and take the lift down, or ride it up and down both ways.
Looking down at the valley below with the ski village/resort  to the left.
"Mountains are the beginning and the end of all natural scenery..."

                                                                         - Ruskin

Smokey haze from the B.C.fires raging in the interior. The smoke drifts down into Vancouver Island and  curls around the range.
"Don't pay attention to the size of the mountain in front of you. Rather, think about the view from the summit will be like..."

                                                                          -Craig D. Lounsbrough

From the top  of the trail up from the valley, near the lift.
The Village below. Seen from the Ski Lift chairs.
There is also Ziplining by appt, Mountain biking all summer long. Skiing all winter, snow tubing, snow shoeing, snow everything......and everything snow....

"Snow was falling, so much like stars, filling the dark trees, that one could easily imagine, its reason for being was nothing more than prettiness..." - Mary Oliver
Zip line tour, called the "Eagle's Flight" , rips here and there at  about 100km,  275 ft above ground  with a 132 metre vertical drop. Snow shoeing over 25 Kms, Cross country 55 km,  plus Full Nordic , Outback, Bike trail maps available. Some trails are dog friendly as well. 
Paradise Valley

You might even see an endangered Vancouver Island Marmot,  on these 1700 acres. Supposedly , there are 303 living at 30 sites. I've never seen one. They're quite elusive. But I read that during the past few weeks  more have been released  .Keep your eyes peeled , while climbing those 505 vertical metres, and look up, look way, way up to the top.....

"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds..." -Edward Abbey
Photographs 2024 Mt. Washington, Courtenay B.C. Canada  

                                  ( all seasons/ winter,spring, summer,fall)


Friday, July 19, 2024


"There is one spectacle grander than the sky. That is the interior of the soul..." - Victor Hugo

"I thank you, God, for this amazing day. for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of the sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes..." - e.e. cummings.

"Yellow, mellow, ripened days, sheltered in a golden coating..."

                                                          -Will Carleton

                                        "Let us dance in the sun..." - Susan Polis Schutz
"Bursts of gold on lavender melting into saffron. It's the time of day when the sky looks like it's been spray painted by a graffiti artist..." - Mia Kirshner
Live in the sunshine.  Swim the sea. Drink the wild air..." 

                                                           - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Once  you have tasted  the taste of sky, you will forever look up..." 

                       -Leonardo da Vinci

"Turn your face to the sun and let shadows fall behind  you.." - Maori Proverb
"Smell the sea and feel the sky.  Let your soul and spirit fly..."

                                                               - Van Morrison

“Be like the sun who fell in love with the moon and shared all his light.”

                                                               — Kamand Kojouri

“It was our favorite part of the day, this in-between time, and it always seemed to last longer than it should— lavender space unpinned from the hours around it, between worlds.” --Paula McLean
                                             "The sun is but a morning star..." -Thoreau
"No one see what is before his feet, they scan the tracks of heaven..." -Cicero (106-43 B.C.)

“The sun is a daily reminder that we too can rise again from the darkness, that we too can shine our own light.” — S. Ajna

“The sun ignites the clouds below it as if they, and the water, itself, were on fire.”

                    -Anthony T. Hincks

"We shall find peace. We shall hear angels. We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds..." - Chekov

 Photographs 2024

Saturday, July 13, 2024


"Here are sweet peas, on tiptoe for a flight....with wings of gentle flush, over delicate white. And taper fingers catching all things. To bind them all about with tiny rings...." - John Keats

"How luscious lies the pea within the pod..." -Emily Dickinson

"There are few pleasures like burrowing one's nose in sweet peas.."  -Angela Thirkell

"I like not lady slippers, or yet the sweet pea blossoms, nor yet the flaky roses ...I like chaliced lilies.....that in our garden grow.." 

                                                               -Thomas Bailey Aldrich

"The flowers are full of honey, but only the bee finds out the sweetness...." - Goethe

"Gratitude is the sweetest thing in a seeker's life. If there is gratitude in your heart, then there will be tremendous sweetness in your eyes..." -Sri Chinmoy

"The sweetness of life lies in usefulness, like honey deep in the heart of a clover bloom..." - Laura Ingalls Wilder

"God is the seed. The universe is the tree. impulses and passions the branches. Intelligence is the flower. Pure consciousness is the fruit. Love is the sweetness in the fruit..." - Sathya Sai Baba

"The very shape of our dreams defines us. .....without our dreams there is no sweetness, no purpose to life...." -Isobelle Carmody 

"Friendship is that virtue by which spirits are bound by ties of love and sweetness, and out of many are made one..." -Aelred of Rievaulx
Photographs 2024