Monday, April 14, 2014


 Nice day to plant. Spencer snoozes on the gate.
   My stash of sweet pea seeds. It's time. They like cool earth underneath and warm up above. I am ready to plant masses of them this year. I don't pre-soak the seeds. Just scatter and stuff into dirt.
   Apple trees starting to bloom.
   And Spencer still sleeps. Through it all. On my gate.In my garden.
   West Coast seeds get special treatment. Stuffed into a trough near a hot wall.  They should do well.  I don't fuss over seeds. Just cover with earth,  pellet fertilizer and mulch.
 Today I plant my rusty hanging basket with rhodochiton. My favourite vine. Also known as Purple Bell vine. It likes sun, with a bit of shade near the end of the day.Blooms from Spring to Autumn and flourishes. I keep some in my greenhouse, and the rest in pots around the garden.  Very unique. Can be trained to grow over lattice.
 Smokey  wonders why Spencer is snoozing so much.  He watches me dig in the earth in the greenhouse.His tail swishes as he chases the garden hose. Spencer is missing all the fun.
 Or watching the hummingbird sit on the grape vines. Hummingbirds are  everywhere. Going after the blossoms . They still buzz the cats.
 But Spencer is snoring away the afternoon. He  snorts when he sleeps. He doesn't see the hummingbird.Or Smokey chase the hose.
 On the hill, where I'm planting, the new Pasque flower is taking shape; "Pulsatillis vulgaris".It belongs to the buttercup family.You can see them in the prairies, on meadows and hilltops. I guess I planted it in the right place.Blooms in spring and then gets fuzzy seed heads the rest of the summer.
 Meanwhile, I'm making a mess in the greenhouse. Planting the rhodochiton, tons of tags everywhere. The cats have all come to visit this afternoon.
 Penguin just sits on the porch. He sees Spencer. But still he sits. He sees Smokey. But he doesn't play with garden hoses.
 Trying to keep the cats out of the greenhouse is a full time job. Planted tubs in the greenhouse will be safe in there, from any frost. Maverick Geraniums, Fuchias,Estrella Whie Verbeena,Regatta Sapphire Lovelia,and Pink Scavola, plus tons and tons of rhodochiton.......
 And Spencer still snoozes . On the gate. My gate.

 And finally I finish stuffing sweet pea seeds into the hill.  I dug a trench, scattered seeds, fertilizer , and covered with dirt. The sweet peas should grow up the huge tomatoe cages and then along the stakes. When the time is right I'll string green twine between. I only hope they get that tall.
  And Spencer snores away. Missing it all. Missing the other cats.
 He missed his chance to run after Cordelia. She spent the afternoon on the fence under the plum tree blossoms.Watching Smokey play with the garden hose. Watching Penguin curl up on on of the porch chairs.
 While Spencer snoozed I finished the last of the pots. Dirt everywhere, water washed. In the end I showed Spencer what he missed. His nose twitched. There was great excitement  to be had, while Spencer snoozed.

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