Wednesday, May 28, 2014


 There are many types of planting in the garden.Cat Planting takes little or no fertilizer. They bring their own.  The most obvious is the rare "Cat's Ears". Soft to the touch and requiring little watering. In fact, it doesn't like a lot of water....
 The next type of rare plant is one for the greenhouse.  The "White Cat" grows best in greenhosue environments. Unlike the "Cat's Ears" , it relishes in water and likes to grow alongside ferns.
         Baskets stuffed with impatiens  and begonias do best in partial shady environments.
                 While the huge, dinner plate Poppy, does best on a hill overlooking the mountains.
                      At times, the "White Cat" variety  can be found growing freely, along with the sedums, rock cress, and Dragonsblood. It tends to be a sleepy variety, known to be resistent to bugs.
             If left on it's own " Cat's Ears" will grow into a golden furball, reminiscent of the pussy willow, it's second cousin. It has this rare, wonderful quality where it will purr when spoken to.
Planting Sweet Peas  in various places around the garden, will have no effect on the cat plantings.
It seems that they all can live harmoniously together. Though at times, the Cat plantings tend to uproot themselves and come have a look in doors.
Sometimes they will group themselves together. Strength in numbers and all that sort of thing.
  But then the rain will start again....especially during the rainy season..................
 When the rain is pouring off the roof...............
 Into the pots, over the porch................
 And into the garden beds ....................
 The Cat Plantings will stir themselves once again . And will leave their warm pavement, to return once again to their roots in the garden, settling themselves into the dirt, for a long wait, a snooze, a chance to be one with the flowers once more.

 And they will watch the sunset, and marvel at the world, before heading for home, to start their day yet again............... tomorrow.

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