Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Perfectly Useless Afternoon....

 "If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live." (Lin Yutang (1895-1976)

                        If you find yourself stopping at the side of the road, on that perfectly useless day, jsut to take a photo of  shimmering light on water, then you have a every reason to be pleased.
 If you find yourself talking to  cats  as they snooze on the porch, then you are reaching your goal of  achieving uselessness and it is absolutely  the perfect thing to do.
          If you find yourself counting grapes as they hang from the vine................

              Or ripping apart sweet peas to make potpourri, for no reason at all, but that it seems like a good idea, then you are approaching perfect uselessness, and it's a good thing.
 If you find yourself standing in the sun, humming  your favourite songs, and watching the sweet peas bloom, wondering when you can pick them to make potpourri, then it is a perfect afternoon.
           If you can see Cordelia sitting of so perfectly perfect, while the bees hum around her , then the day is almost complete. "I loafe and invite my soul......" (Walt Whitman 1819-1992)

          And if the sun  glimmers just a little too much, and the afternoon wans, then it is ultimately the perfect day of uselessness, and you  have noticed it and have stood still for a moment in time, savouring it. "Like all cats, he dreamed. Like all cats, he hunted in the perpetual twilight of the shadowlands, perfecting his skills in a world that demanded the utmost in timing and concentration."(C.S. Friedman).

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