Friday, July 4, 2014


 So many things. Sweet Peas. First ones. Scented like summer. My favourite thing of summer.
Cats that flop. Cats that like Sweet peas............
    .....a lot. Pye's true love. She will snuffle more bouquets of sweet peas as summer wears on. She pulls them out of the vase. One by one. And I will systematically replace them.
                                 Then there's a Spencer that flops.

 A Penguin that sits. Pots that pop.
                        And roses that are beautiful.
                               In the shade, bells of blue.
                                Mists of fog on a cool day. Foghorn sounding. A reminder that fall is coming not long from now. Gives way to muggy steam.
                  And the tall Vebascum towers over all.
                                               And cats who grace you .
 Sweet peas on massive stalks.Popping like popcporn.

                                     Cats who wait. Cats who don't want to wait. But have to.
           And by the end of the day, the fog has lifted, the foghorn stops its din, and the cement is warm. And Smokey rolls.  Happy in  this world of wonderful things.........

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