Tuesday, October 6, 2020


"When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the Creator..." -Mahatma Ghandi

"I am inspired by anything beautiful. Sometimes it's a pair of eyes....." -Nadine Valazquez

"It's the time of day when the sky looks like it has been spray painted by a graffiti artist..." -Mia Kirshner

"An opportunity to reset..." -Richie Norton

"The giant , burnt orange sphere sinks towards the horizon, colouring the rock layers until it's gone and the canyon is covered in shadow...." -Jennifer Salvato Doktorksi

"The charm of sunset makes me want to scurry home..." -Tara Estacaan

"The whispering of the leaves was almost hushed. All about them was still and shadowy and sweet...." -Olivia Howard  Dunbar

"In silence they looked ( the three) at the sunset and thought about God..." -Maud Hart Lovelace

"The sun is setting in a burnt orange sky, the cliffs are black silhouettes, the sea, liquid silver..." 

                          -Laura Treacy Bentley

Photographs 2020



  1. As always beautiful words with beautiful photos, all captured so well. Lots of love from Trish xxx

  2. So apt. So true. Thanks for this Michelle
