Thursday, December 30, 2021


"Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come. Whispering: 'It will be happier'. " -Tennyson

Sunset burned into  snow. The last of the old year ready to vanish.  She stood  on the porch, in the chill. Like she had stood for so many New Years eves. All was quiet. All was well. Waiting for the year to start over. 

“I wait for you……” she thought. Like she did every year.

She could see the road  stretching out. Or at least where she supposed the road to be.  Old Christmas lights hung  perilously, like glittering hunks of jello. 

There was crying in the night.  From the wind scratching in the trees. The New Year was fast approaching.  It was Watch Night. Yes, I wait for you……

She wrapped a blanket around her shoulders.   In her dreams darkness faded away. But this was no dream. And the New Year was tumbling closer. 

“Hush now, you can hear the angels sing” Her breath spun in mists.

If she  whispered his name, would she see him……

The night  was softly quiet. She was getting too old to be waiting in the snow.But she had promised him. Every New Years she would  be here.

She sang lullaby in the night. In the velvet, snow laden mist. 

Lullay lullay, beyond the rising sun . She sang the old carol. His favourite. She sang it to the snow.

Lullay lullay….

“Hush now, hear the angels sing”

A small  child slipped onto the porch and tucked his small hand into hers.
She lifted him up. As best she could. Her grandson wrapped his arms about her neck.  
And the bells pealed forth from far and wide.

“He hears us. ” 

Her grandson marveled at the sounds and the  fireworks in the sky. 
Neighbours  gathered on their porches banging pots and pans and ringing bells , and shouting Happy New Year. 
It was a wonderful sound. 

“I wait for  you…….”  She thought she heard him.

“We will whisper his name. “ She  held her grandson close. 

And the bells of the New Year rang forth. And she was not afraid, because  joy shone through all of the dark to bring light.

Photographs 2021                  Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Just beautiful Michelle and now countdown for us (well soon) just gone 9 p.m. all is quiet well some fireworks. Such beautiful scenery you captured in your Blog and the descriptiveness the banging of the pots and pans and ringing of the bells. Keep warm much love Trish xxx
