Friday, March 7, 2014


 Have been saving this for a while now. All winter long. A purple ivy geranium from becoming compist. It's been existing up in the big bathroom window. The past month it has been starting to grow. Like crazy. They like it warm and sunny and mild. Good luck with that......for a couple more months.
 Winter is long and soggy. Even the neighbours cats can feel it. Spencer isn't too happy with the wet.
 You can smell the green stuff trying to grow. The fog. The sog. The drip drip from the eaves.
 But it's green. And mukky. And dirty. And full of cats running around. Sitting in wait for Thrushes.
 Oodles of thrushes. Feeding.  Singing their heavy trilling songs. No we don't have snow like back East provinces. It's been a rough winter for them. The wet and rain is not the same, or the wet , heavy snow. But the problem is that it is always  surprise for us. Takes us unaware. We are sooooo not ready for it. And now we have wet. And muck. And cats. And birds. And geraniums. Growing in the bathroom.
    Yes, Spencer. That's snow. Well. What's left of it. No, Spencer, I can't make it go away.
 We get a dump of snow and we all go nuts. The snow is wet, drippy, mukky, slippery. Yes, Smokey.
 And the trees are starting to poof out their seed pods, like little aliens. Just wait for it. They will start exploding by the end of the month.Green things. Growing.
 Spencer's way of dealing with the wait is to jump out at  the Penguin cat. Boo. In the muck. The wet. The drip.The cement sedums are starting to swell, starting to turn colour. Even the snow we had can't stop it.
 And I think most of us deal with  the last dregs of winter by flopping by the fire. Ignoring the raging rain storms out side. We must live in a rain forest. Nice to be an indoor cat.
But come summer, I am hoping my geranium will bloom again.Like it did, last year.  It will probably look like this ( I hope). I plan on buying a ton  more at the greenhouse, just to be sure. My favourite colour, to go with all that green.......

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