Friday, August 24, 2012

Late August......

 Late summer days are nice and hot....mornings cool....hint of fall. But , shhhhhh, don't tell anyone. Don't want people getting frantic. Thanksgiving ( Canadian, of course), just around the corner, Halloween, pumpkin pies, Remembrance day, and then Chrissstttmmmaaas.....ssssh. Don't tell anyone.  But the Hibiscus are blooming, like they always do at the end of summer. And this year, are completely fabulouss. If they were fashion models , I think they would strut down the runway...
                Pale Pink Hibiscus.....huge, moon faces peering out from railings.
                    Pink Hibiscus. Falling everywhere. Falling over, into the doorway.
 Peace roses ( at least, I think they are Peace Roses), blooming later than usual. Huge. Fragrant.
And last of the sweet peas, growing pea pods as we speak, even though this group  is picked every day. Coming to an end. Never long enough....... but it is almost fall ( ssshhhhhh, we won't tell anyone).

Friday, August 17, 2012

Hot days

 Peace roses on one of the hottest days. This hot spell has made them bloom again, and again.
They  are huge this year...big as dinner plates, some of them.....
 Back porch in early morning sun. Have had to pull lots of scraggly vines from some of the pots.  The begonias are beautiful, the fuschias are great, but messy. Next year, just begonias........
 Japanese Anenome. I have one plant, that never seems to spread, even though it's supposed to be invasive. Just stands straight up and blooms.
And then there's Cordelia. Her favourite thing to do on these hot days is to sleep under the bench and drink out of the pitcher. She has the right idea....

Thursday, August 16, 2012

In the heat of the day.....

 ......there be skads of sweet peas looking out on this world.
And Begonias looking in through the glass door, wanting air conditioning........

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pastel Sunset

Couldn't resist the sunset tonight. Dashed outside....its already fading by now, but was able to catch the painted clouds. Wonderful hot day. Worthy of a sunset like this. It's as if raspberry sherbert was let loose, somehow.........