Friday, June 3, 2011

Peace and Tranquility

A quiet Friday in Flannel City.....the Pier was absolutely calm and pristene. Only a few lone tourists casting their fishing lines into the kelp ridden water.

 A view that is basically all ours. Quiet. Maybe a little too can hear the kelp gurgling down below in tide.
 Mist over Quadra Island. Positively eerie. Reminds me of Tofino, with its clouds and rain forest.
 Morgan  at the end of the Pier. No jostling for seats. No kids running up and down. Yoo Flannel City deserted?
 A sienna study of Dale. With no one around , can take pictures of the splinters, if I so wish.  Can hear yourself think. Can hear your self breathe.......
 Permanent Houses on Quadra Island. Sure have a lot of windows to clean....better to see the passing boats.
 Tug comes tootling along. You can hear the swish swish of the water against its bow.
 A tall tourist casting his line into the water below. Over and over. Don't think the fish are biting today. Does not seem to matter. All that matters is that it is incredibly tranquil. I think that's the point.
 Here are some die hard tourists. They have been ceremoiously stuffed into yellow survival suits then heave hoed into  the fishing charter boat. Now they are being whisked out to the fishing grounds, with the promise of  catching something. They look supremely uncomfortable. No thanks.
 Finally, one patch of sunlight. A chance to make a few shadows......
 Azure sea. Fishing tourists sitting in their little boats, bobbing around on the ocean near the point of Quadra Island. Up and dow, up and down, up and down.......rather stand on the pier and get the sae vantage point.
 Another tourist tries his and at fishing. He doesn't seem all that interested in casting. He and his friends would rather bask in what little sunlight there is. They are drinking coffee and  commenting on how perfectly still it is.
                                                             Busy boardwalk..............sublime time.
 Star Trek Ship Cloud in the breaking sky.
Look way up......way'll see  eagle. He didn't  oblige by spreading is wings, unfortunately.But he was watching. Great view he mst have. He gets to live it, every day.

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