Sunday, April 3, 2016

Focus on the Bees....

 I've been thinking about  this year's upcoming garden. A lot. I've been thinking about Bees.I love the bees. Every year I  look forwards to their return. Like old friends , they are there.
 This year, I've decided to focus on  bringing more bees into the garden. More than usual.Short of having a hive .
 Bees are the most important pollinators we have. They thrive in backyard gardens, community, patio gardens. All of us depend on pollinators, like the bees. They should not be swatted away, or sprayed with poison, or squished.
 Many gardeners will make happy little  homes for them, out of milk cartons, or boxes. I've foun that growing massive  Verbascum works really well. They sleep in the flowers or the leaves and drink water from the crevices.
 Even a small place like a flower pot, or  patch, or window boxes, provides suitable habitat.
 This year, it's all about the bee.
 It's been advertised over and over about how bees, especially honeybees, are declining.
Hundreds of bee species live in Canada. Some even below the earth, and all are necessary for our continuation. Blue Orchard Bees (Mason bees)  can be released  into your own garden. Just like Ladybugs. Check your local greenhouses for  supplies of either.
 A "house" for bees can consist of a simple milk carton , with the spout cut away. Or a box  layered with nesting tubes.
 If this seems a bit much, just plant flowers. They will be very attractive to them.
 Remember that bees like to eat. Not just pollinate. I've even seen them drinking at the hummingbird dish.
 They also drink at dew in the morning, gathered on leaves.
 Bees love flowers that are showy and blingy. So plant in shades of  blue, purple, violet, white and yellow. Try to stay away from double bloom, like double impatiens, or double petunias.
 It's also important to create water bowls for the bees. Yes, they love to drink a lot of water.
 Don't use buckets or pitchers, but shallow plates with water , in which you can place a few rocks. The bees will land on the rocks  to drink. And it will be shallow enough for them to crawl out.
 If you have plants or flowers that have aphids, put the plate of water near them, and the bees will come and drink. The insects that like to guzzle on aphids will come along as well.
 Don't worry about being stung by bees. I've worked near them for ages, and they never bother me. Sometimes, I get a bit too industrious and they warn me off. They are very smart. Very focused on their tasks.
You'll end up being able to read them as you work side by side.
If you're planning on planting sweet pea seeds now, then it's a good time to do it. By the time the flowers are up , bees will be buzzing away.
  Go for more native plants like Rudbekia and Yarrow,Salvia, Lavender, Gloriosa Daisy, Coneflower, Bee Balm, Borage, Lion's Tail, Oregano, Penstemon, Red Hot Poker, Alstromeria.......
 And Sunflowers. Lots of sunflowers.
 The season has just begun. Bees are on the decline because of habitat loss. They are very easy to please. Start planning  now. Bees love to live around us. The key is plant variety. They need us to be aware and help  rise in numbers.

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