Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pea Sweets....

 "The Earth laughs in flowers....."- Emerson
I think Ralph Waldo was talking about Sweet Peas.....
 Every year I plant the seeds.
And every year they pop up like crazy.
 They like cool weather to start.
 Some rain. Some fertilizer.

 And then they  just do their own thing.

Sweet peas are the flower of remembrance.
 For memories of loved ones.
 They have a very old heritage.

 Bought over by the Spencer family ( Diana, Princess of Wales).
 It has a fancy name: Lathyrus odoratus

 And they are definitely more Odoratus than any one flower.

 This year, more so. 
This year they have a heady perfume that  is so wonderful
 I wish  it could be bottled.

 The more flowers you cut off the vines the more you get.
 The more you pick ....
 the more you want....
 So the more you plant and plant and water and's a vicious cycle. Sigh. But a wonderful one.....

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