Tuesday, February 7, 2017


 "When I no longer thrill to the first snow of the season, I will know I am growing old." -Lady Bird Johnson (1912-2007)
 SNOW FLAKES by H. Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) (American Poet)
 Over the woodlands brown and bare
 Over the harvest-fields forsaken
 Silent, and soft, and slow, descends the snow....
 Even as the troubled heart doth make
 In the white countenance confession
 The troubled sky reveals
 The grief it feels.....
 This is the poem of the air
 Slowly in silent syllables recorded

 This is the secret of despair....
 Long in its cloudy bosom hoarded
 Now whispered.....

 And revealed.....

 To wood......
and to field.....
 (Longfellow was one of the known "Fireside Poets". He wrote about history, mythology, and legend. Known as a universal poet for all.)

 "Snow provokes responses that reach right back into childhood."
                       -A. Goldsworthy.(1956-) (Sculptor, Photographer, environmentalist)
 Photographs 2017, M. McConachie Woods

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