Sunday, October 27, 2019

WITH DARKENED STARS....(Halloween 2019)

 With darkened stars on holy ground.
You call to me, O *Samhain sky. (gaelic:*Sow in)
 The day wearies and rots.
Seasons swift to change.
 Souls torn. Your day shall come at dawn.
On this last night. This last journey to earth.
 With darkened stars on holy ground.
Souls that live. Pray for these  dead.
 Sliver glass as   snow.
Fingers reaching.
 Grasping at loam.
With darkened stars, on holy ground.
 Footsteps scrape.
Red  moon deities   circle like ravens.
 Light the bonfires.
This All saints Eve.
 All has passed two thousand years.
Footsteps clamber. Ever closer. Ever more.
 For those who lived, for those who died
 End of summer waning.
Harvest gone. 
 Dark winter comes.
The year anew,  begins .
 The day wearies and rots.
Footsteps pounding. 
 This night of Samhain reels.
Dead return to earth.
 Footsteps scrape.
Blurring worlds between..
 On this hallowed ground.
 Take fire , sacred Samhain ash.
 The holy day is upon us.With darkened stars on holy ground.
 INFO: SAHMAIN was the Gaelic celebration for the end of the harvest year.  (About 2000 years ago. ) It's from this that we get Halloween. There were no devils, or black cats or witches. The townspeople would gather together and dress in animal hides and have a bonfire  before the season changed yet again. . It also signified the honouring of the dead who had gone before. It was believed  souls rose to walk the earth to make mischief, before returning to their graves. The next day became known as All Saints' Day. The next day the people would gather fire from the bonfire ashes to light their own fires. And the year would start again. 
Photographs 2019  BOOOOOOOOOO.......

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