Wednesday, February 19, 2014


 There is nothing like finding the moon still in the sky at dawn. I'm not a morning person, more of a night owl,( but there are things to do and birdseed to scatter). I'm on the prowl before dawn, waiting for the sky to become light.
                                                               Today, the moon was still in the cradle of the grey clouds about 6:45. And here's me,wandering around in the frost, crunching on frozen deer poop, just to get a glimpse.
 And it's worth it. So worth it. "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars, which you have set in place......" (Psalm 8:3) Yes. Worth it. Even if it is freezing still outside, and the deer poop is stuck to my  boots.
 Great thing about being outside  at this time of day,  you can see the sky change colours, like some sort of painter who can't quite make up his mind. Only thing stirring about is the neighbour, heating up his battered truck, and me, scattering seeds for the birds.And the deer.  They show up in the dark to clean it up.  The maintenance engineers of the forest.....
 One of my favourite poems is  the "Rime of the Ancient Mariner "  by Samuel Coleridge: "The Moon went up in the sky, and nowhere did abide ,  softly she was going up, and a star or two beside......"
 Yes, there was a star as well, wobbling around with the moon, about 6:30. Like some sort of ice dance routine.
 I am sure everyone's going to get tired of my Mt. Washington pics. But I can't help it. They're right outside the window. Huge as life, trying to catch up with that moon chasing across like a salt shaker. Moon sits around taunting it in the morning, then  disappears just before nine. It's a sad moment then.  I actually feel wistful, wondering where it will be tomorrow.

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