Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Meet Buck....

 This is  Buck. Watch Buck stare. Watch Buck shovel seeds.
 Buck has been coming  every other night  or so, for a couple of years.
 In the fall he eats apples and plums off the trees.
 Sometimes he brings friends.They have been known to stay ALL NIGHT in the garden.
The elusive snow cat, Smokey,  has been known to dance around  Buck.
 In winter, Buck hoovers seeds. He'd make a great vacuum. Snow will melt soon. Then he will come and just graze on the grass. He will pound his hooves and wave his horns.We will be suitably impressed.

 Winter and snow ( which will soon melt),  always perplexes Spencer. He sits in a corner. He stares at the snow. He wonders when it will go away.
 He can hear Buck chewing. Buck is a noisy eater. Spencer wishes Buck would leave.
 Spencer flicks his paws. He doesn't like the snow. Or Buck. For that matter.
 The elusive snow cat, Smokey, on the other hand, LOVES the snow.He doesn't mind Buck. He watches.

 Smokey's paw prints are everywhere.  Bounce Bounce. Pad Pad Pad.
 Buck lives in the forest. Just down from the house. Buck is very majestic. He is a king.
 Buck changes over  to the other flower seed pot.
 Spencer leaps up onto the gate. It's safer there.
 Buck goes back to the other flower pot.  He likes to eat. In the spring he will eat all the tulips. Which is fine. He is beautiful.
 For now, in  winter, with snow on the ground, he eats seeds and is watched by the watchers.
 Smokey "knocks" on the door. Like he always does. Spencer is lookout.
 Buck is around the corner. He is used to the cats.
 The weather is cold . Frosty. The seeds keep him happy.
 Buck dances on the  the ground . His hooves echo on the ice.It has been a good night.
 Smokey and Spencer are safe in their corners. Buck,stuffed with seeds, walks triumphantly  around the corner. Looking every inch a monarch, he heads home. Till tomorrow, of course. To begin again....

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