Friday, August 17, 2018

Hazy Days

 "Because there was no wind, the smoke... hung in the air for a long time..." -Amy Lowell (1874-1925) (excerpt from A Burnt Offering)
There are fires burning on Vancouver Island. Burning on the mainland. Some are close to here. The pock marked moon is stained yellow and red.I can't see the fires, but they are here....

 There are fires burning on Vancouver Island. Burning on the mainland. We feel them here. Spencer, who visits us daily, still comes in the early morning and late in the day, when it is still and quiet.
  I won't go into details about the fires. The details change on a daily basis.It's enough that we see enough to know that they are there. I can hear the planes and helicopters roaring overhead during the day. Refueling. 
 Smoke and haze cover the mountain range. Today is a good day, believe it or not...can actually see the outline.
 And over all there is this weird, yellow otherworldly  sun.
 "There may be a great fire in our soul,and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke..."-Vincent Van Gogh
 Everything is  touched by the haze that waffles in and out.
 I started taking apart some of the pots. A couple to overwinter before they get dried out. Mostly cause they are drying out. Cutting back on watering. Only geraniums remain. A hardy reminder of an earlier summer.
 The Smoke Bush lives up to its name. Yellow light filters through, making the stems look smokey.It puffs up like a thousand cigarettes....
 "We look up to see if it is day or night, if stars burn cool, and moon does shine..if breath of sun does belch its heat..."-Roman Payne
 Grapes, however, are loving the heat. Fat and saucy. Ripening like crazy.
 And beneath us, swirls smoke and haze. Just out of reach.
Flowers  slowly fall away. Sun. Sun . Sun. Everywhere I look.
 Even Patience, the cat, resembles, uncannily, a fluffy golden sun.
 "The sun is such a lonely star....." -Joseph Gordon Levitt
 And I will continue to tear apart pots. Lonesome now without their flowers.
 In the dark of night. Away from the sun that beats down .Under the crescent moon and it's pimply face.  Waiting for the rain......
 "Summer sun was not meant for me........rain was meant for me....." -Benjamin  Alire Saenz
Photographs 2018

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