Tuesday, April 14, 2020


 "There's something satisfying about getting your hands in the soil....." - E.A. Bucchianeri
 For the Love of Dirt............
 A good way to spend that time we have to Stay at Home these days.
 Time to destroy the rotten benches and planters. 
 And put together new ones.
 Hauled out everything from the greenhouse. Except the Toilet.  Repurposed.
 Pine Siskins  hang around the bird feeders.
 To be caught and fed to Stellar Jay babies.
"The soil in the great connector, the healer and restorer and resurrector...." -Wendell Berry, Culture and Agriculture.
 Sweet peas . Hoarded from various sources. soaked and ready. 
 Stuffed into as many basins as I can find. Sinks, pots, troughs, baskets.
 "Sweet peas were the kinds of flowers fairies slept in..."
-Allison Pearson
 And in the dirt of the greenhouse .....It's only just begun.
 And the sun sets, while we still wait and Stay at home.
 Another new bench ready. Spencer's yellow cup waits for him.
 Out of the dirt rises more white bleeding hearts. I thought they had become squashed over winter. Resilient......
 "There's a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free. Don't miss so many of them..." - Jo Walton
 The violets were definitely squashed in the snow. Resilient. They've popped up. Just like WE will pop up. Out of the dirt. That I love......
"A large drop of sun lingered on the horizon and then dripped over and was gone, and the sky was brilliant over the spot where it had gone. And dusk crept over the sky from the eastern horizon..."
              -John Steinbeck ( Grapes of Wrath)

 Photographs 2020
*After a long winter, Cordelia rises to the fence once again. She is  a VERY old girl by now, but she still manages to get to the top of the fence. To have a look. To say hello... Resilient.

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