Sunday, February 21, 2021


"Late February days, and now at last,might you have thought that winter's woe is past.So fair the sky was and so soft the air..." -William Morris
 Rona and Simon
"Welcome wild harbinger of spring." -Bernard Barton

"My heart is a world of water and crystal" -Du Fu

 varied Thrush
"The cool wind blew in my face..." -Burl Ives

"On the wind in February,snowflakes float still. Half inclined to turn to rain, nipping, dripping chill. " -Christina Rossetti

"At least we notice the days are getting longer..." -V. Sackville-West

"Late February, the air's so balmy. Then the inevitable blizzard will calm, blighting our harbingers of spring...." -Gail Mazur

"In February there is  everything to hope for..." -Patience Strong

"Little bird, do not fail to be the harbinger ..." -William Wordsworth
 Varied Thrush

"The true harbinger of spring is not crocuses , but the sound of the bat on the ball..." - Bill Veeck
Photographs 2021


  1. How very true the sound of bat and ball, maybe some lawn mowing too. Love the skies in your photos and the still snowcapped roofs after all it is only February and the dear snowdrops here are still quite blooming they like the cold though the fierce wind has gone. Lots of love Trish xxx
