Monday, April 18, 2011

Dragon ( Final Proect)

30 x 18"  ( odd size paper only allowed for final). Pencil. Over 57 hours of work.
 Here's is Morgan's final project for this term. We're not sure if NIC will be taking her on full time in the fall. She has to wait till June to find out if she is definitely in. There are some issues that the college is facing. So we all have to be patient. There is about a 50% chance that she will have to wait another year. It's complicated. But for now she has finished her first course by drawing a Dragon in his castle. He is concocting a potion,and eating peanut butter sandwiches on the side.  I took extra photographs of the details ............
 "Are you under a Spell", "Curses to keep them Guessing", "Usefulness of Human Skulls", "An Advanced Guide to Poions".
 "Rotten Eggs", "Black Mamba Juice", "Dyed Hair"
 "Rune Interpretations", "Nightmares", "Illusions in Fogbanks","Dragons in History","Messages in Smoke", "Fairy Circles",  "Sun Spells", "Moon Secrets", Dream Interpretations", "A Dragon's Guide to Relaxation."
 "Seeds: More Useful than you think.", "The Big Book of Secret Spells", "How to get Revenge on a Wizard", "Chaotic Cures"  "The Book of Eternal Youth", "How to Overthrow a Mage", "Saltwater",
 "Caution: Blister Bush", "Fairy Essence", "A Guide to Giants", "Desert Legends", "Outsmarting Sorcerors", "Dandelion Fluff"
                                "Bamboo, Thick and Thin"
Lunch for a Dragon: Peanut Butter Sandwich, Tea Cake, Tea, Fruit, Hawaiin Punch.

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