Friday, April 4, 2014


                           A rare breed. The elusive Tree Cat  ( or cats), appear at dawn.
    Usually, Tree Cats have a one track mind: Catch and consume the little bird with the big buzz.  This may prove futile. It's difficult to catch a bird with a needle nose.
 Tree Cats do tree aerobics in the early morning. It is a little known fact that Tree Cats are teaching themselves to fly.In order to catch the little bird with the needle nose. Something they figure they will be good at.
 Unfortunately, not all cats can be Tree Cats. Some, like Cordelia, will be designated the lookout for the buzzing little birds.
 At the end of their flying session, the Tree Cats will  signal to their lookout, who in turn will indicate where to find the first hummingbird in flight for the day.
                         And there it is. Soaring  above the branches. 
Playing cagey,  Tree Cats will assess the situation before attempting to lift off in flight. If winds are favourable you will see Tree Cats sailing off into the air currents .

                               Smart and sassy, hummingbirds know that  Tree Cats cannot achieve the super sonic speed that they alone have mastered. They leave the Tree Cats in their dust.
                         To the winner goes the spoils. Nectar of the Gods. Once again, Tree Cats have been vanquished.

And the Tree Cats are left to become silouettes in the morning light.

   And at the end of the day, the cats who are smartest will curl up on the porch and only dream that they can fly.
(Penguin visits regularly. He has his own chair)

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