Tuesday, February 15, 2022


"To live in hearts we leave behind, is not to die..." -Thomas Campbell

  Every afternoon they walked. Rain or shine . When they were younger. As they grew older it became apparent that they would need rain gear. So one day, they bought matching rain coats with hoods and boots that would not leak.  They laughed at themselves. Married 60 years and able to laugh.

Then they would walk down the lane, past their little house with the wrought iron gate. To the beach. To the sand. 

To where the tide  washed in and out and left treasures. Small hermit crabs, sand dollars and shells. So many shells. Their house was filled with them.

Sixty years ago they had walked down to the same beach. The tide pools were  full of sea urchins and starfish. He had proposed there. She said yes.

He didn’t have a  ring. But he  found a large abalone shell in the tide pool and gave it to her. 

When they got married and bought their little house with the little wrought iron gate, she placed the large shell on the mantle.  Over the years she moved it around the house, never quite satisfied where it sat. 
She used it to hold her sewing threads. He used it one season to hold his fishing lures. During dinner parties it became an ashtray. 

The men standing around the abalone shell dropping their cigarettes, flicking ash into its pearly depths. At Christmas it held popcorn strings for the tree.

Then one year she died.  He sat in their little house with the wrought iron gate, and held  their shell. He had polished it. 

Her ashes he scattered at the beach where they used to walk. The shell he placed on the kitchen table filling its centre with mandarin oranges. 

A year later he died. And the shell passed to my parents. 
My mother kept thread in the shell as well. And my dad used it as an ash tray.And Christmas cards and Candy inevitably found their way  to it. 

I would put my little dolls in its great bowl and pretend it was a magical carriage for Cinderella. 

And today it sits by our fireplace.  Full of stories 
Sometimes a small cat will climb in and purr and mew and sleep. 
But I will always imagine my grandparents walking to the ocean, hand in hand, like they  did. 
Hand in hand all those years. With the rain and  sun and  wind dancing round .
Hand in hand I see them. 

I see the abalone shell by the fire and I remember them……

Photographs 2022

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