Tuesday, September 11, 2018

On Such a Day in September...

 "On such a day in September , I left the sea and strolled inland. A new keeness in the wind made me breathe deep, though there was not a cloud in the sky and the sun burnt my face..." -from "September in the fields by Dorothy Easton (1904-1974) 
 The cosmos is finally flopping in the rain. I gathered seeds. For next year. Scattered some into the wet earth anyways. 
 Roses are  starting to slow down.I cut them back. Mercilessly.
 The days are sometimes dark. Foggy. Sometimes light. Sometimes  both.
 Hibiscus. Last of the flowering things. Struggles in the pounding rain. But holds its own.
 And the leaves change. And change.
 Anenome  fades away. Like it was never here.
 And the pots grow empty. Piling up like loose teeth on the benches.
 "Thin shining spider webs waved all across from spike to spike of withered blossom; a brown bee booming over the clover was an event..." -from September in the Field.
 Cordelia hangs a bit more from the fence these days. Soaking up  the last rays.
 And Spencer. Still drinks from his yellow cup. For winter he will have a shiny bowl that will weather the ice and snow and rain. His yellow cup will be put away till the spring.
 Spiders loom. Literally. Loom and spin. And wind bugs into mummies.
 Last year, Smokey's  paws sunned themselves on the steps. On warm afternoons. I can still see him there sometimes.
 And the rain. Lots of rain now. It has come with a wonderful vengeance. 
 "I sat on the bank of a slower tidal river that cut my path; mounds of grass in shadow were grey with dew, fields beyond  yellow with warmth and sunlight..." -from September in the Fields.
 The fog swirls and whirls through the rain forest these days. Soggy and Boggy.
 Pots and pots stand idly by. While the fog never lifts. On such a day in September.....
Excerpts from Dorothy Easton's "September in the Fields" (1904-1974) 
From "1000 Beautiful Things , 1948"
 Photographs 2018

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