Wednesday, November 27, 2019

CHRISTMAS TABLE................

 "When we recall Christmas past,  we usually find that the simplest things give off the greatest glow of happiness..." - Bob Hope
 A time to be together. A time to  be thankful. The Table,  golden oak, vintage,   has seen it all. 
 But I remember the parties my mother threw for my friends. The Table she  set! it was painted black  back then. Along with a sideboard and hutch. There is this one pic from 1981. My mother  picked up streamers from the grocery store,  and we strung them up. The tree was decorated. The angel with her big felt feet, was tied to the tree so she could look around. And the Table  held its weight in cutlery.
 My mother cooked dinner for about twenty of us. Hungry Hungry we were. My mother would not eat with us.  She ate from the leftovers. I never once saw her sit  down.Long after everyone had gone,she'd pour herself a sherry and sit by the remnants of the fire in the living room and listen to the logs crackle in the dark, with the Xmas tree lights.
 The Table was simple: paper  cloth, long taper candles
 ( real ones!) She used what she had around.Sometimes the candles fell over and scorched the paper.
 And we hung out and ate and were together. It was that simple.
 “Christmas  wrapped itself about you like a shawl. But it warmed more than your body. It warmed your heart...filled it, too, with melody that would last forever.”― Bess Streeter Aldrich, Song of Years
                                                  Now, over 30 years later, the Christmas Table has had a makeover, but it's still the same idea.
 Everyone  brings something yummy to the Table. Scalloped potatoes, roasted veggies, roasted chicken, Shipwreck Stew..... 
 We still use the same china that are now vintage. The same ones my mother and father  used many Christmases, way back when the table was new.
 Instead of sherry, we serve  Poe's Plague Wine and  6 cat Black Cider . Everyone goes home with a bottle.
 The Table enjoys being swathed in fabric from my fabric stash.  I drip gold beads from the tree, all over the centre, pine  cones  that were once purchased from a corner store.....
Fruit, Stollen, Mincemeat tarts, buns, 
 Tarts swathed in icing sugar snow.
 And candles  ( not real ones) Ones that work on batteries and glow and shimmer and are SAFER. I found gold chargers on a dusty shelf at the dollar store...some years back. They glow. Bling Bling.The Table seems to like all the attention. 
 More food, more pine cones, a larger candle under a  dome. I found it at a hardware store, on the bottom shelf. I brought it home. It usually sits on the Table. But for the night it glows over the food.
 Little glitter trees. Two for a dollar. More bling to pick up the shine. 
 And a night to remember . Every Christmas. Many friends have sat around this Table. And it remembers. Hundreds of people I suspect. It's at least 80 years old.  And every Christmas it is surrounded . If this Table could talk................
 "Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality, the flame of charity in the heart..." -Washington Irvine.

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