Sunday, March 15, 2020


 The Passage in the lavender of morning when the world is just waking up.........
 The first rose from last year. In  dark of twilight..........
 A small Pine Siskin. Admiring himself in a  a pool of water. Fascinated....
 Climbing Rose from  last summer. Swirled and papery. Not unlike toilet paper. But infinitely more beautiful............
 Lavender rose from last August. Sweet and  dripping with rain......
 Frost. Bare trees from this March. Trees coming to life in the  fresh chill .....
 Grandmother's pitcher. Stuffed with sweet peas. Heady. Aromatic. So sweet  I can still smell their scent in the winter............
 Rain. Rain. Rain............
 Mt. Washington Range. Still in throws of winter. Spring at the ready......
 Antique roses from last June. Falling. Bending. Heavy with dew in the wind....
 And dear Bunny. Gone . A memory like the sweet peas she loved to nuzzle.....
 Mist on the Pier.........Ghosts in the rain . 
 Last of the roses in fall. Tempered by  dark scent and  the promise  of the year to come....

 Thrush singing to in depths of late snow.....
"Hope is the thing that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all...." ― Emily Dickinson
 Photographs 2020

1 comment:

  1. Heartwarming photos to take our minds and eyes off the virus, just love MT Washington how blest you are to live so close and all the lovely creatures that you captured, meant alot for me and I thank you xxxx
