Tuesday, March 31, 2020


"I am not a fabric hoarder. I am the curator of an extensive textile collection.." - All People Quilt

 So what does a quilter do when there's a crisis? Quilt.  Of course. Luckily I have my stash of  fabric. Spencer helped with the first one. It's called Rolling Star......They went rolling down the hill .
 I 'm planning on making a couple of quilts. Using gold fabric in  gold pointed stars , like this. The next quilt will be  Civil War Vintage.
Fisherman's Reel
 Quilting is  good for planning, organizing, executing with the grey matter. Keeps the focus.
 And then there's the sari ( my fav)fabric blocks. Made from veils.....and trim, and a lot of bling.
Comet Star
 And always the gold pointed stars. I got a bolt of the stuff a couple of years ago. On sale. Saved it till now.  It will be in almost every block. Not every, most most....
 "I have all the fabric I need.....said no quilter ever...." -All People Quilt
 Then there's one of my fav star point patterns: Star in a Star. Close to the Trinity Star. Looks good in any fabric....
 The sari blocks  I will intersperse between the regular blocks.
 "May your sorrows be patched and your joys quilted.." 
                                          -All People Quilt
 And here is the Trinity Block. My fav upon fav. Two inner stars pulsating out to the rim. I plan on  doing more of these in gold. These were my trials. 16 inch Stars............
Party Hats
 My fav website to skulk through for patterns is patchworksquare.com. Lady who designs it  is phenomenal at  organizing each pattern in simple, easy forms, always precise, always wonderful. And she is accessible for questions and comments! Lovely person.
 My fav Sari block, made from veils......
 "Given enough fabric I could rule the world..." -All People Quilt
 Rolling Wheel, with the bolt of gold fabric that I'm using...and gold parachute material in others. I am on a roll. More to come. This is just a sneak peak.  With lots more  to come...........
 "When things are in pieces, stitch them together..." -All People Quilt
Photographs 2020


  1. This is wonderful Michelle you are so talented and when I first saw the squares lined up on the grass or lawn? it reminded me of seeing all the beautiful material batik I think is the name drying in the sun in Malaysia. You are doing this in your very own home, well done!!!

  2. Ralph's mother quilted with other neighborhood ladies. All the family had quilts, including the dolls. Great memories. They always used the Rolling Star pattern in many different color combinations.
